Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Fun

Took the kids out trick or treating today. What fun. Melody was so excited to dress up like Snow White. She even let me do up her hair and kept in up the whole time. Now I just hope the next time I try to put it up she does the same thing. Oh, but she looked precious.

I bought Jordan a Mario Brothers costume but earlier this week he said he wanted to be Superman. Nathan had a Superman costume so they switched. I would have rather he been Mario, but oh well.

I don't know who this monster was but he decided to tag along too.

All the kids had a blast. We went to a couple places to get some treats. I enjoyed the Old Cars trunk or treat the best. Dad, you would have loved seeing the cool classic cars.

Now to decide what candy I'll be pilfering from the kids stash. Mostly so they don't have the sugar rush of the century.

Miscellaneous photos from the day:

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Smarty Pants

Today Loney and I met with Jordan's teacher for the 9 week Parent/Teacher conference. He's doing so good in school. Mrs. Dale is amazed at the academics he's achieved in just these few short weeks.

With being in the self contained program for his communication and behavior issues, we created an IEP (Individualized Education Program) for goals he's to meet for the school year. Jordan has met and gone beyond everything as far as he academic goals were.

Mrs. Dale has him doing 1st grade math, I know he's reading at at least a 3rd grade level but now he's comprehending what he's reading too. Jordan is amazing and I can't wait to see what other goals he'll meet or surpass for the rest of the year.

Now to get him to use a public restroom.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Little Tidbits

Me: Good morning Jordan. Are you ready to get up for school?

Jordan: No.

Me: Why not?

Jordan: Sometime I just don't want to go to school.

I feel the exact same way.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Playing with my Camera

I've been taking so many pictures with my new camera, but I haven't posted what I've taken on here yet. So here are some photos of the kids while they were playing outside this weekend.

Here's one I made Melody's eyes pop.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Cool Find

I want to make these.

Aren't they the cutest things ever!?!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Facebook Junkie

I've done it again. Sucked into a world of online games and time wasters. Oh, but I love it so. I've got to be better about not being consumed with the games. I've not let it get in the way of time spent with my kids, but I know I could do so much more if I just stepped away.

We had fun this last weekend celebrating Melody's birthday. I can't believe she's 3. She's getting so grown up and quite a little independent stinker. I'll post pictures of you birthday celebrations by the weekend (hopefully) as long as I get off my duff and do it.

Created a couple of new layouts as well. Just haven't been able to get my mojo working as of late. Between Facebook, the kids playing on my computer, and not really being at home, I've been a little stagnant. I'm hoping the pictures taken with my awesome new camera will help give me the inspiration I need.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Here we go again...

My computer took a crap yet again!! Dang thing just won't let me get ahead. I guess it might have to do from the power supply going out. Just stinks soo bad. I wanna scrap but I can't. Oh well.
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